Texas Tour - JFK Aug 13, 2002 Sunday, August 11th, 2002 Sunday morning, I decided to go downtown and check out the JFK museum. John F. Kennedy was assasinated in Dallas on November 3rd, 1963. I wasn’t alive then, but I can imagine and I believe that it was a day that affected America even more than September 11th. Here was a president that many people admired and looked up to. Shortly after he was assasinated the decade of the 60’s went into full swing and changed America forever. ...
Texas Tour - Arlington Aug 13, 2002 Wednesday, August 13th, 2002 I met my friend Marc at his house and we headed off to the game. This game is kind of a milestone in my quest to visit every major league ball park. It will be my 20th team. Just ten more to go (barring expansion or contraction). The Ballpark at Arlington The Ranger’s stadium has the rather ordinary name of The Ballpark At Arlington. Arlington is a town just outside of Dallas/Ft. ...
Dallas Aug 08, 2002 August 8th - August 14th, 2002 Thurday morning I drove up to Dallas. It took about 4 hours and I checked into another extended stay motel. Originally, I had planned to stay in Dallas for a week, just like in Austin, but my Austin experience changed my plans. I was going to leave on the 14th, after the baseball game. Again, the idea was the same. To just be there and experience Dallas. ...
Austin Aug 06, 2002 August 4th - August 8th, 2002 I spent Sunday through Thursday morning in Austin. Austin was the main reason I came to Texas. I wanted to get a feel for it and see if I might want to live here. Austin has a lot of high technology companies and has a lot of culture and art. Basically a lot of creative people. Fortune has ranked it in the top 10 for the best cities for singles. ...
Texas Tour - San Antonio Aug 05, 2002 Monday, August 5th, 2002 Today was my first full day in Austin. I decided to take a drive down to San Antonio, which was just about an hour and half south. I wanted to see the Alamo, and my friend Laury had told me about the cool river walk there. So off I went. The Alamo For those of you who are not familiar with the Alamo (miss a little school, did we? ...
Texas Tour - Lubbock Aug 03, 2002 Saturday, August 3rd From Albuquerque, I decided to go half way to Austin, and stay the night with a recent friend of the family and her family. I had just met her when I had been up to Montana this summer and she had offered to let me stay with her and her family when I went to Texas. In the directions she gave me to get to her house she mentioned that there was a steel house that I couldn’t miss. ...
Texas Tour - Albuquerque Jul 30, 2002 Tuesday, July 30th - Friday, August 2nd Today, I left for my trip to Texas. On the way though I stopped in Albuquerque. I was born there and my parents currently live there. I stayed until Saturday. I was a nice relaxing time and it was nice to see my parents. We went out to dinner one night at a New Orleans place and we saw K-19: The WidowMaker and Signs. ...
Never Say Never (Again) Jul 02, 2002 July 1st, 2002 - Gardiner, Montana This week I went up to Montana with my parents. Today, my mom and I decided to take a raft trip down the river that flows through Gardiner and down Yankee Jim Canyon. We’ve been on rafting trips before. Nothing tricky, just nice gentle trips with a few small rapids. We asked around and were pointed towards an outfit about a mile down the road. ...
Steve Garvey Jun 21, 2002 I always like to see the Dodger’a AAA team when they come to Salt Lake. Last year, that team, moved from Albuquerque to Las Vegas and became the Las Vegas 51’s (51 being a reference to Area 51). After my trip I checked the Salt Lake Stingers’ schedule and saw that the 51’s were in town. I further noticed that Thursday night was Steve Garvey night! Steve Garvey was my favorite player when I was a kid. ...
West Coast Tour - Home Jun 19, 2002 Tuesday, June 18, 2002 The trip home was uneventful. Got back about 2 pm. Once back, I felt strangely alone and isolated. On the road, I hadn’t felt like this at all, despite the fact that I had been alone most of the time. But, it also nice to be back in my nice house, with my own bed. Later that night I played softball on DSW’s team. DSW (Dahlin, Smith, and White), was the company I worked before I took my sabbatical. ...