Case Study: Improving the Effeciency of Software Development Teams Dependent on Another Team
Jan 16, 2025
In my last job, I was on a platform team. One of the responsibilities of a platform team is to support all the other software development teams in an organization by writing libraries and tools that can be used by the other teams.
One of the libraries the platform team provided was a library that managed feature flags for the iOS app that our company produced. The primary function of the library was to get the current value of a given feature flag.
Thoughts on Testing
Jul 05, 2024
Testing has grown to be a very important part of software development. When I first started my career, I didn’t hear about writing tests until a few years in. Then we started writing tests for all our libraries. When I first got into Cocoa development, testing was not a part of the culture. That slowly changed, and now it is an important part of development on Apple platforms.
In many ways we are still catching up to other development cultures where testing has been much more ingrained in the culture, such as the web development world.
Pittsburgh - The Last One?
Jun 20, 2024
On June 6th, I flew out to Pittsburgh to see the Pirates play the Dodgers for the final stop in my lifetime goal to see a home game for every MLB team. What’s interesting is that the very first game I ever saw was the Dodgers vs. the Pirates in Los Angeles in 1976. So a fitting end. I didn’t plan it the way, it just happened. It took 48 years of being in the right city at the right time (due to business trips, vacations, etc.
Pointfree's SyncUps App: A Great Example Architecture for a SwiftUI App
May 11, 2024
In comments to my last article on The Composable Architecture readers have asked about examples of how I think an app should be written. In the article, I did mention my previous posts, which have examples for Clean Swift and MVVM, but those were written for UIKit. SwiftUI didn’t exist at the time.
So, this article will talk about what I think is a great example of architecture for a SwiftUI app.
The Composable Architecture: My 3 Year Experience
Apr 26, 2024
Introduction I recently finished a 3 year stint with a company that uses the Composable Architecture (TCA) from PointFree. I wanted to write about my experiences with TCA and some of the problems I see with it.
I think Brandon Williams and Stephen Cellis, the creators of TCA, are absolutely brilliant, and what they have managed to pull off with the creation of TCA is amazing. However, It’s just the two of them, and nobody, or no thing, is perfect.
St. Louis Cardinals, My Penultimate Baseball Stadium?
Sep 20, 2023
Busch Stadium
I finally went to another baseball game in my goal to see every MLB team at their home stadium. This time I went to St. Louis to see the Cardinals. I call this my penultimate stadium because just Pittsburgh is left after this one. More on that later.
Here’s the box score: Box Score
Click here to see a rundown of the game.
The Cardinals lost to the Milwaukee Brewers, 8-2.
From WordPress to Hugo
Apr 29, 2020
If you’ve visited this site in the past, you’ve probably noticed a change. I recently changed my blogging platform from WordPress to Hugo. Hugo is static site generator. I also changed my theme.
Why? I was never really satisfied with the performance of my WordPress site. Combine that with the fact that my site kept going down every month, I decided that it was time to do something and be more in control.
A Tale of 2 Steve Jobses
Aug 23, 2019
Believe or not, I just got around to watching the 2 Steve Jobs movies that came out a few years ago: Steve Jobs, starring Michael Fassbender, and Jobs, starring Ashton Kutcher
I’ve held off watching them because I knew there would be a lot of inaccuracies. I grew up with Steve Jobs. I followed him. I didn’t want to see him distorted the way Hollywood does.
I actually liked Jobs.
Swift UI & App Architecture: A New Approach Required
Aug 04, 2019
With SwiftUI, everything has changed. As Brent Simmons said, it’s the end of the NeXT era and the beginning of the Swift era.
With the coming of SwiftUI, most of our app architectures are no longer valid (or at least parts of them). They need to be adjusted. MVC is certainly out. In fact, even controllers seem to be out. From Apple’s content, it seems all we have is models and views, and that’s true.
Two More Examples of Clean Architecture
Apr 01, 2017
I recently found two more examples of Clean Architecture.
The first one is called CosyHome and is an example iOS application for a home heating system developed using Clean Architecture and developed with Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) using Fitnesse. Fitnesse is something I’d like to dive more into and could be a future post. Let me know if you’re interested. You can find CosyHome here.
The other example is CleanNote that applies Clean Architecture to an iOS and Mac application.